Friday, October 6, 2017


Like many of us, I have been reflecting the last few days and I keep finding myself asking "why" such terrible acts of hate are taking place in our society. Asking what can I do to change the negative path our society is on at this time in history. Searching for ways to overcome my feelings of helplessness and hopelessness for the current state of the world in which we live.

This morning a friend sent me a link to a YouTube video "Why Not Me" by country music artist Eric Church.  As I listened to this on my way to work this morning, I felt that it was a call to action. In this video he shared his emotions, thoughts and a song he wrote after the tragedy in Las Vegas. As I listened to his words and then his song,  I began to think about all I am grateful for and all I know I can do to impact my 20 square feet. Often when tragedies such as Las Vegas occur, it can break our spirits and diminish our hope for a better tomorrow. WE MUST resist these thoughts. Each of us has the power to positively impact our world. Each of us has an opportunity RIGHT NOW to stand up and refuse to let HATE and IGNORANCE crush our spirits and our belief that LOVE can conquer all.

I then began to think about my family, both personal and professional. I feel an overwhelming sense of obligation to stand up and do my part to make this world a better place than it is today. I want my niece and nephews to grow up in a world where they are safe and believe anything is possible. Each student in the Hilliard City Schools and across the world deserve to grow up in a place where they feel safe. A world where they can dream big and believe they can make all those dreams come true with hard work, grit and kindness towards others.

My thoughts go quickly to the work we have been doing with our students, staff and families within the Hilliard City Schools: our focus being the importance of culture and relationships within the learning environment. Once again an overwhelming sense of gratitude came over me. I feel so strongly that WE are doing the right things each day in our schools to ensure our students feel valued, loved, cared for and empowered to make their world better. WE believe that students must feel loved first and foremost before any learning can take place. WE are providing students with the emotional support and skills to effectively face adversity. We prioritize relationships. We know our values! We also know that through our work with Focus 3 and through our relationship with Tim Kight and Brian Kight, we must choose a better response to these events if we hope for a better outcome. We all have the ability to be kind. We all have the ability to be kind to those with whom we come in contact each day. Being intentional is DOING SOMETHING. Being intentional each day to BE KIND, to express gratitude and model positive change.

I had a chance to share my thoughts and reflections with a dear friend today - Dena Way. I wanted to include a few of  her comments: "We have to be good to each other, we have to smile more at strangers, we have to show love to everyone regardless of whether we are the same or different. Our world is good, but there are evil people here. I have thought about that man's childhood, his past. Who loved him? Who protected him? What if no one did? So, being good and being kind CAN make the difference you are writing about. Let's keep fighting the good fight! I do believe that we can make that difference, one and two at a time!"

Be that person for someone today. Be the one that cares, loves and protects because you very well could be the only one that will and that can make all the difference in someone's life.

To me, it is simple. As Ellen DeGeneres says each day, "Be Kind to One Another." We have to come together as a society. We can and must, stand up and do our part to change the tide. It is easy to feel helpless at times and ask "What can I possibly do?" I am here to tell you, each of us can do something, we must do something. We must model kindness. As Jon Gordon writes, We must LOVE, SERVE and CARE.

START NOW! Change your 20 square feet to a place of peace, hope and happiness.
It is going to take us all!

1 comment:

  1. I will be "that person". Thank you Dawn for your heartfelt words. I needed to hear them! Judy Ratz
