Today, I took a leap back, way way back to 1985 and 7th grade. My how things have changed from 1985. I accepted the #shadowastudent challenge and immersed myself in the life of a 7th grade student.
My day began at 5am as my alarm clock went off my first thought was worrying about what to wear? What clothes would make me look like a “typical” 7th grade student? I played it safe and went with jeans and a “hoodie”, hood down of course…hoods are not allowed in school (smile). On my way to school, I felt myself getting a bit nervous. The kind of nervous you get on your “first day of school”. Worrying about where I would sit, would I know how to answer a question when asked by the teacher?
So with my backpack filled with my laptop, kind bar and water bottle I headed to my first period class, Algebra. I was so relieved to see my friend “Daubs” in my first period class. As you know having at least one friend in your class is a huge factor in the amount of “fun” you have in class. I took my seat, as I began my day in Ms. Litt's Algebra say I was anxious was an understatement. Math was never a strong content area for me as a student in school. I felt myself hoping that I would not be called on...not only has it been years that I have had to sit in the "student" seat in a math class, but seeing students work on the iPads, the level of engagement and the level of instruction was nothing compared to what I experienced in 1985....
The bell rang to head to 2nd period. So with my shadow student, Jake we headed to concert band maybe its not too late to discover a hidden talent of music! As we enter the band room, Mr. Burke greeted us and showed me to my seat. “First chair” well next to Jake who had the actual “first chair”. We had a few minutes of down time at end of band. Jake and I gathered around a few other friends to catch up on spring break trips, rubrics cubes, NCAA tourney and discuss my apple watch.
The bell rang and we were off to 3rd period class, Advanced Science 7. Jake and I chatted on our way to class. He shared how he has found the least crowded path to each of his classes to ensure he is on time for each class. Jake reassured me that 3 minutes is plenty of time to get from class to class.
As we entered the science room students quickly grabbed their iPads and began a lab. Wait, a lab? On the iPad? What happened to beakers, Petri dishes, bubbling water, steam? What is a Gizmo? I quickly found that this is a “new” way a “cool” way to experience components of science. Students can move and manipulate the "sun" angles and see how many rays pass through based on the tilt of the earth. I hear student’s conversations of "that was kind of cool" with lots of laughter! That makes me happy.
It’s 10:15am and we are off to Social Studies 4th period where we discussed the primary elections, delegates and China. Finally, its 11:00am, time for lunch. After quickly eating lunch in 30 minutes we were off to 6th period and Language Arts.
I enjoyed this class as we got to pick our favorite book we have read all year and make a pic collage of why we would recommend this book. We then did a “gallery walk” to learn about each other’s recommendations. I liked moving around, it is hard to sit still for 48 minutes.
The last activity was for us (students) to share out what we did on spring break. However we could not use words. We were given time practice. Freedom to go in small groups; to be creative on how we would communicate our spring break activities through actions/facial expressions and not words.
So what did I learn from today…
- Sitting for 50 minutes is hard
- I am so impressed with the level of talent, respect and focus of our kids.
- I am not used to a bell driving my daily schedule
- I need a snack around 9:30am
- MS students LOVE to share stories and maybe add a few exaggerations ☺
- MS students and adults need movement, freedom and choice in learning.
- Lunch is very important social time and the ONLY down time in the day.
- School needs to look different, structured different. We need to move, trust and give students more freedom in owning their learning
- Rubrics cubes are still relevant
- March Madness can unite young and old (well older, not old)
- We have GREAT kids, ELITE teachers, and EXCEPTIONAL opportunities!
- I am truly blessed to have to opportunity to serve our school community each day. I am thankful for our positive school culture and our continued Passion for Growth in all we do.
So now what? We continue our Journey to ELITE! We continue to seek ways to learn from each other and change the way we “do” school to ensure our kids our Ready for Tomorrow! Thank you to our school community for supporting my shadow day. A very special "thank you" to Jake for allowing me to enter his world and for being so kind throughout the day.
Thanks for thinking outside the box on a daily basis and striving to make THE Heritage a welcoming, engaging place for all students. We are lucky to have you leading the way.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tawyna! I appreciate your support.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading about your day shadowing Jake in all of his classes. Reading about the differences that you experienced as a student in 1985 versus now was interesting to read. I am glad that you had a great time shadowing and learning new things. Keep up the great work that you are doing at Heritage Middle School! :)
Jennifer Saunders :)