Friday, December 18, 2015

Give Back


As we close out the first semester I want to say "thank you" for all the generosity shown throughout this holiday season. As we reflect back it has been amazing to see our students, staff and families come together on so many occasions to demonstrate true Panther PRIDE and give back. 

Below are just a few examples of what we have accomplished so far together:
·      Halloween Costume Day (sponsored by Builders Club - Mrs. Garnett and Mrs. Nees) - Raised $200 for Unicef
·      Halloween Haunted Hayrides (sponsored by Mr. Gingerich and Mr. Byerly) - Raised $400 for American Cancer Society
·      Mrs. Roderick's Class making blankets for those in need. 
·      Novembeard Challenge - (sponsored by Daubs and the men of THE Heritage) - Raised $250 for students and families in need.
·      Thanksgiving Food Drive - Together we collected enough food to feed 110 Hilliard families for Thanksgiving. (the most collected out of all the schools in Hilliard)
·      Art Mosaic Community Project (Mrs. Boza and Mrs. Schaeffer)
·      Operation Winter Warmth - Collected over 1000 items (sponsored by FCA - Mrs. Dahs, Mr. Gingerich and Mr. Byerly). We were able to donate to 3 shelters throughout the Columbus area.
·      Staff vs. Student Basketball Game - Money collected goes toward the Heritage Faculty Scholarship Fund. (We give a $1000 scholarship each year to graduating Darby Senior/Heritage Alum). 
As a building we strive to pursue excellence in all we do. We believe our academic opportunities are exceptional. However, it is more than academics. As a school staff we want to instill a sense of growth, passion and purpose in each of our students. We are so proud of our school community as they continue to "step up" and give back to others in the community. We talk to our students about the importance of "starting a legacy, making the world a better place because we were here and being a good teammate". I can tell you without hesitation that this school, our Hilliard community and society is better because of our students. 

Please enjoy this video (created by Mr. Eric Gingerich) highlighting Operation Winter Warmth. 

Thank you for partnering with us to make school a fun and welcoming place to learn and grow. I wish each of you a safe and happy winter break. I cannot wait to see what the second semester and 2016 brings for our school community. Together we will change the world!

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