Monday, January 7, 2019

Becoming - #OneWord2019

2019…a new year, a fresh start, and yet another chance for each of us to reinvent ourselves. As many of us do this time of year, we set new goals, we dream of what could be and we vow to stick to whatever "resolutions" we have set. We are motivated to improve ourselves on so many levels: mentally, physically, emotionally. 

My own recommitment to becoming a better version of myself actually started during winter break. I was fortunate to have time to read and relax. I chose to read Becoming by Michelle Obama. WOW! I was moved with many emotions during my time reading this inspirational memoir. This moved me to do more, serve more, care more, dream more and BECOME more! This book led me to my #OneWord for 2019 - Becoming. 

In her book, Michelle Obama shares what "becoming" means to her, "For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach toward a better self. The journey doesn't end.” 

Obama's definition of "becoming” immediately resonated with me. It reminded me of the word/phrase, "Journey to ELITE", that has guided my actions/thoughts over the past few years since having the tremendous opportunity to work with Tim Kight and the Focus 3 system. Being "Elite" is simply striving to be the best version of you - to be better today than you were yesterday and better tomorrow than today. 

I instantly felt the connection between the two words/phrases. I knew "Becoming" was the next step for me on my journey to become a better version of myself. I appreciated that throughout her story she reminded readers that, "Failure is a feeling long before it's an actual result." For me, this reinforced the mindset that in times of doubt and struggle, each of us control how we choose to respond to negative self-talk.

When I came to the decision that "Becoming" was my #OneWord for 2019, I immediately wanted to "blog" about it and share it with others. I began to write, but then I had doubts about sharing my thoughts with the world. I immediately reflected upon another powerful message I borrowed from Obama, "There's power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there's grace in being willing to know and hear others. This, for me, is how we become.”

So, here's to 2019, a year of BECOMING a better version of D. Sayre! Cheers! 


  1. Wow! What a message of growth and passion to becoming your authentic self. Thank you for this powerful message!

  2. Wow! What a message of growth and passion to becoming your authentic self. Thank you for this powerful message!
